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Displaying articles 1 to 11 out of 11 total.

Concord School Board Zone A: Candidates clash on policy, inclusivity
10-28-2023 4:32 PM


Three years ago, Jessica Campbell and her husband moved to Concord and enrolled their child at Christa McAuliffe Elementary School in Concord – a journey that she said has been filled with warmth and support from the school district.Michael Guglielmo...

Meet Jay Richard, Lindsay Nye and Graeme Crowther— Concord’s newest school leaders
06-08-2023 4:51 PM


The upcoming school year will see new leaders in the administration, some familiar, and some brand new to Concord. Meet the newest faces of the Concord School District. Jay Richard, Principal of RMS Rundlett Middle School principal Paulette Fitzgerald...

To protect the environment for future generations, Concord resident encourages others to reduce and recycle 
03-04-2023 7:50 PM


If a coat has a tear, she patches it up. If a bunch of bananas is going bad, she makes banana bread. That’s how 70-year-old Concord resident Jocelyn Jerry Wolcott consciously makes lifestyle changes to do her small part to protect the environment.“I...

Following leadership resignations, Next Level Church closes its doors
02-27-2023 5:26 PM


The Next Level Church, a modern Christian congregation with five locations across New Hampshire, has closed its doors due to a leadership crisis and organizational issues following multiple resignations from the organization’s executive team earlier...

US appeals court nominee's involvement in sexual assault case scrutinized at senate hearing
02-17-2023 9:29 AM


Former New Hampshire Attorney General Michael Delaney was confronted with a hard line of questioning during a Senate confirmation hearing this week regarding his 2014 defense of a private Concord boarding school in a civil suit related to a sexual...

Needs for children not met by New Hampshire's mental health care system
02-13-2023 5:05 PM


Lisa Colburn, a schoolteacher who lives in Weare, woke up to a knock on her front door and bright blue lights flashing outside.On a Saturday night in December two years ago, the police had come to ask for her daughter. She had texted a friend about...

Bow residents upset about town’s approach to proposed cell tower
01-18-2023 3:41 PM


Rob and Kristine Parisien have been residents of Bow for 12 years, living in an eco-friendly home on Branch Londonderry Turnpike East with unimpeded views of nature. The Parisiens moved from Portland, Maine to settle down in a small town away from the...

With new business, Hopkinton couple hopes to encourage local, sustainable shopping
01-04-2023 7:55 PM


For Alyssa McKeon and her husband, Luke Simon, their eco-friendly and sustainable store is one small way of contributing to the fight against climate change.Witching Hour Provisions in Hopkinton opened its doors to the community in December 2021. The...

Reauthorization of expanded Medicaid seen as critical to New Hampshire’s mental health crisis, state’s workforce
01-04-2023 5:25 PM


Amber MacQuarrie, a single mother of two from Dublin was running an infant daycare when she started experiencing extreme lung pain in 2018.After running tests, doctors concluded that the pain was caused by a cyst the size of a fist and she required...

Hometown Heroes: Stability follows tragedy
05-02-2022 6:21 PM


Dennis Pavlicek took over as Newbury’s town administrator nearly three decades ago on the heels of a high-profile tragedy. His first task was a big one – rebuilding trust in his beloved town.On a quiet Monday morning in the fall of 1993, while working...

Bill would shift N.H. into Atlantic time zone and kill daylight saving time
01-23-2017 12:26 AM


Many proposed laws seek to move New Hampshire forward, but there’s one that wants to move us – or at least our clocks – sideways into the Atlantic time zone.The bill would shift New Hampshire away from the time zone used by New York City and...

Displaying articles 1 to 11 out of 11 total.

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