Letter: Who is destroying whom?
Published: 01-23-2025 9:05 AM |
In a Jan. 16 letter titled “Same old, same old,” Gary Seidner accuses Hamas of trying to destroy Israel and the Jewish people. I could laugh out loud at the absurdity of the claim except for the immense human suffering involved.
First, it’s horrifying to imagine my loved ones kidnapped or killed. Oct. 7th was horrifying and unacceptable.
But let’s consider just who is actually being destroyed, Israel or Palestine. Which is being bombed into oblivion? Which has tanks, and helicopter gunships and 2000 lb. bombs to drop on the other? To whom have we rushed billions in aid to continue bombing the other? Which one is blocking food from reaching the other and starving the other while destroying their homes, hospitals, cultural treasures and schools, leaving behind uninhabitable ruins?
Which one are we shielding from international law? Which one is actually taking over the territory of the other? Which one is building settlements outside its internationally recognized boundaries and expanding into neighboring countries, including Lebanon and Syria? In the service of which one — Israel or Palestine — are U.S. politicians taking away our first amendment rights?
Just who is destroying whom, Mr. Seidner? Let’s just start there.
Patricia Saenger
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