Talk of the Towns

Published: 09-02-2023 1:02 PM


■There’s a free talk on Saturday at 9 a.m. on Manage Blood Sugar & Lose Weight at Natural Wellness Corner, 239 Loudon Road.

■The 36th Annual Kiwanis Antique & Car Show happens on Saturday at 9 a.m. at NHTI. Please join in for a day of fun and nostalgia! Admission is $3. If you would like to show off your car, registration in advance is $15 or $20. Trophies given for several categories. Free parking, restrooms and vendor displays. No pets!

■Meet the staff and faculty of Concord Community Music School Sept. 9 at 10 a.m. and learn more about fall classes and events. The Open House features demo classes, information sessions, musical instrument “petting zoo,” giveaways and refreshments.

■On Sept. 12 at 6:30 p.m. at Gibson’s Bookstore, Carole Soule visits with a book on what it is to be a farmer, and what it takes to raise cattle, with “Yes, I Name Them: A Memoir.”

■Then on Sept. 13 at 6:30 p.m. at Gibson’s David Lawrence Morse presents “The Book of Disbelieving,” a delightful prize-winning volume of short stories that you can devour one at a time or gorge yourself.

■Feel Good Fest is a fun evening on Sept. 16 at The Bank of New Hampshire Stage at 8 p.m., of music featuring Beechwood and The Spin Doctors. It will honor Ashlie Hooper and pay tribute to all who have suffered loss. Your ticket and donation will benefit The Lend Me a Hand Fund that provides financial support for gas, food, prescriptions and other expenses for patients battling cancer.

■ Sunday Funday Flow: Worthy Mind & Movement will take their class to Feathered Friends’ outdoor space, 231 S. Main St. Morning Sip & Stretch with Cassie, on Sunday, Sept. 10 class is suitable for all levels. This price includes class and a draft of your choice. Bring your own mat!

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■Go to the Free Tuesday Night Crocheting Social on Sept. 12 at 6:30 p.m. at 85 Manchester St. Suite 1B. Bring your favorite project, and materials to spend an evening connecting with others who love fabric arts. Light refreshments available. Please register ahead of time, limited seating. Recommended ages 8 and up; parent/guardian must remain present.

■For more information on these Library Events go to Library Books and Brew meets on Wednesday at the Heights Branch Library at 5:30 p.m. for a low-pressure book club! Come talk about what ever you’ve been reading and get some great recommendations!

■Parlez-vous français? Join in on Sept. 11 at 5 p.m. at the library and every other week to restore your French fluency! Please email for more details:

■ Research shows that an early introduction to science and math also boosts literacy! This is a program for preschoolers (and their caregivers) that allows them the chance to explore a new STEAM topic each month. STEAM for Littles happens on Thursday at 10 a.m. at the library. Registration is required.

■ Wings and Wheels is back at the Concord Municipal Airport on Sept. 17 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. This event includes aircraft and vehicles, interactive exhibits and activities, Academy of Model Aeronautics Demonstrations and more. It’s family-friendly with no cost to attend. Food will be on site. There’s more information at

■Concord Police Department and the NH Food Bank need your help to Fight Hunger and Stuff a Cruiser! Make a food donation, meet local law enforcement and make a difference! Only non-glass, non-perishable food donations can be accepted. The Friday event is at the Fort Eddy Market Basket from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

■The Old-Fashioned Family Fun Day, has been rescheduled to Sept. 16, from 1 to 4 p.m., at 11 Penacook St! Everyone is welcome to this free community event, featuring games, refreshments, penny candy, and more! Peek into the 1774 House and 1790s Rolfe Barn at fascinating layers of history. View the Abbot-Downing Historical Society collection, play old-fashioned games, pick up a free ice cream and wander through the Community Garden. The 1834 House and Gift Shop will be open for self-guided tours. Wear a historical costume if you’d like. You can even take home a real roof slate from the restoration of the Pioneer Engine House on Washington Street. Bring your own water bottle, there will be a water-refilling station on the porch of the 1834 House. This is a fair-weather event; you can check for updates at

■The United Church of Penacook Food Pantry, serving Penacook residents only, is open every Tuesday from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. year-round. (If Merrimack Valley School District is closed due to weather, the pantry will also be closed.)

■“Labor Day celebrates the contribution of workers. We celebrate it by not working.” “Hear about the Labor Day joke? It doesn’t work for me.” Happy Birthday Don and Bette!




■Car registration for Allenstown residents can be done on Tuesday only from 7:30 to 4 p.m. at 10 Grandview Road, Bow, and also in Hooksett Town Hall on Wednesday only from 8 to 6:30 p.m. at 35 Main Street, Hooksett. Allenstown will resume Clerk’s Office hours as soon as training is completed.

■Bob DePaolo Concert and Cruise Night will be held on Sept. 10 from 4 to 6 p.m. at the Town Hall. Bob plays the keyboard combining the flute, drums and harmonica.

■The Suncook Senior Center for Arts and Crafts will be making Leaf Fall Suncatchers at 10 a.m. on Sept. 6 A new group will start on Sept. 12 from 1 to 2 p.m. for a Caregiver Support Group. A new Chair Yoga class will start from 9 to 10 a.m. on Sept. 19.

■St. John the Baptist Church is planning a Penny Sale for Oct. 20 to 22 and looking for donations of new items only, as well as monetary contribution and gifts certificates. Looking for vintage books, jewelry, and puzzles. Bring items to the Parish Office Monday through Friday from 8:30 to 12:30 p.m. with drop off date no later then Oct. 10.



■High Street Coffee House returns to the Boscawen Congregational Church sanctuary on Friday, with Cameron Sutphin as the featured musician. For Open Mic, musicians, poets and comedians to join to take the stage for two songs or ten minutes. Doors open at 6:30 p.m., the music starts at 7 p.m. and wraps up by 10 p.m. Refreshments are for sale. Admission is always free, though a donation basket is passed. If questions, call Chris at 603-520-9196 or to sign up for ‘open mic’, email

■A river walk visioning session will be held on Saturday at 1 p.m. to gather ideas for the redevelopment of the former tannery site. The walk begins at the Route 4 Park & Ride.

■“The Kitchen House” by Kathleen Grissom will be the topic of the Boscawen Public Library Book Discussion Group on Sept. 12 at 2 p.m. Copies of the book are available at the library whether or not you can participate in the discussion.



■Happenings at Bow Young at Heart: Sept. 13, 12:30 p.m. at 91 Old Bow Center Rd. The public is invited to attend the stories of New England Lighthouse and the People who Kept Them, presented by Jeremy D’Entremont and sponsored by NH Humanities. This presentation will focus on the dramatic stories of historic New England Lighthouse keepers and their families. The pubic is invited to attend any meeting or presentation.

■The Capital Quilters Guild will hold an ice cream social on Sept. 12 on at the Bow Mills Methodist Church, 505 S. Bow St. 7 p.m. Anyone interested in quilting or learning more about the guild is invited to attend. For more information go

■The Bow Pioneers Snowmobile Club will hold their annual Mum Sale on Sept. 16 and 17. Saturday hours: 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. and Sunday hours: 8 a.m. - noon. The sale will take place at the Town Gazebo. Five colors of mums will be available in 9 to 10-inch pots ($12) and large baskets ($24). To place pre-orders or for questions email or call 603-738-3616. Proceeds will go toward trail equipment.



■The Bradford Historical Society will be holding a meeting on Sept. 6 at 2 p.m. on their campus. This date has been set due to the lack of a quorum at their usual August meeting.

■The Highway Department has sold their two used graders, the dresser went to Vermont, and the Caterpillar left on Wednesday to go to Maine. The new John Deere grader is working very well, and John Deere will be contacted later this fall to have the wings put on for winter usage.

■Strong Living, exercise program for seniors, will start again at the Bradford Community Center on Sept. 8 from 8:45 to 9:30 a.m. in the senior room. For additional information, please call 603-746-2926.



■The Leavitt Tavern Historical Marker has been installed by the Chichester Historical Society. The marker is located on Route 4 on land now occupied by Concord Tractor and the site where the Leavitt Tavern once stood. The history of the tavern takes us back into the 1800s when dirt roads and poor traveling conditions made traveling time consuming.

■The Chichester PTO is looking for volunteers to keep the PTO active for this school year and don’t want the possibility of dissolving the current PTO. Many previous members have retired. The school wants the best little PTO that it can be but help is needed. Please attend the Sept 12 meeting at 6 p.m. Contact

■The library has entered new books onto their shelves. Hours are Monday and Wednesday 2:30 to 8:30, Tuesday and Thursday 10 to 1:30, Friday 1:30 to 4:30 and Saturday 9 to 12.



■The DCC Book group will discuss “Beneficence” by Meredith Hall on Sept. 7, 7 to 8 p.m. For location or questions, contact

■Dunbarton Garden Club/DGC will have their annual Mum Sale at Page’s Country Store & Deli, 15 Concord Stage Road, in Dunbarton from Sept. 7 to 10. The hours are Thursday 12 to 6 p.m., Friday and Saturday 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., and Sunday 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. DGC will have mums three for $20 as well as asters, decorative cabbages, cornstalks, pumpkins and perhaps, hay bales. Dunbarton Garden Club sponsors the ROOTS Club that is held at Dunbarton Elementary School in the spring and summer to encourage students to have an interest in gardening.

■Free Women’s Safety Clinic sponsored by the Dunbarton Police Dept will be held on Sept. 20, 6 to 8 p.m. at the elementary school. Come join the police and The Training Station Fitness and Martial Arts for a night focused on safety and empowerment. Registration required, contact



■Did you order some mums from the friends of the library? Don’t forget to pop over to the library to pick them up Sept. 5.

■September is sign up for Library Card month!

■Stay & Play: A Parent-child Workshop for ages 0-3. This is a five week based program that focuses on your child’s development! Registration is required and families must be able to commit to four of the fie sessions. Runs Oct. 16 to Nov. 13 at library from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Contact library for more information and registration. 736-9920 or email:

■The Board of Selectmen will meet on Tuesday at 6 p.m.



■City Council will meet at Franklin High School Sept. 5 at 6 p.m. Find the agenda and past minutes on the City of Franklin website. The agenda includes: Using InvestNH grant funds for the Stanley Mill demolition. Join in person or via Zoom:

■Giveduro at Veterans Memorial Recreation Area on Sept. 9 from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. An Enduro-style fundraising event, where riders and spectators raise money for Mutt Society Initiatives and the Franklin Outing Club for mountain bike trail maintenance and future trail construction. This is a family-friendly event, with spectators welcome! Music, Food, Local Beer, Activities, & More. Tickets:

■Trivia Night will be held at Waterhorse Irish Pub on Sept. 7 from 7 to 8 p.m. Trivia Night is a fantastic option to feed your brain and body.



■During the last six months of 2022 Tucker Free Library offered 60 programs which brought in 532 people. This year through the end of July they have had 132 programs with 1294 people in attendance. TFL loves to receive and share this feedback so if you have attended a program or plan on coming to a future program please make this type of feedback happen. Send your comments to:

■The Weare Library is keeping busy with almost daily activities including Gaming, Crafts, Chess, Cribbage and “Poke Monday’s”

■Coming soon to WMS, a Little Free Library. As her senior project, JSRHS graduate Sophia Pollard constructed the little library from material she recycled. Once the library is permanently installed at WMS, it will be registered with the international organization



■Hopkinton Cross Country and Field Hockey Teams invite you to join them for a 5k Fundraiser Race at Elm Brook Park at 8 a.m. on Sept. 16. This is part of the Delta Dental XC Race Series. The Field Hockey Team will donate a portion of their funds to Making Strides. The Cross Country Team will use a portion of the money raised to create the Tom Walton Scholarship Fund. Link to register -

■The Murder Mystery Dinner is back; it’s ’80s Rock Concert Style this time! Join us for a night of murder, mystery and mayhem, including dinner and adult beverages on Sept. 23, 5 to 8:30 p.m. Visit to register.

■Hopkinton Historical Society is currently accepting donations for its Second Hand Art Sale scheduled for Sept. 23 from 9 to 1. Donations can be dropped off Thursdays and Fridays from 9 to 4 and Saturdays from 9 top 1. Call 603-746-3825 if you have any questions.

■The upcoming exhibition at Two Villages Art Society features the work of Colin Callahan. The exhibit, “New Hampshire Up Close,” explores the wonder and joy of everyday scenes in New Hampshire. The exhibit opens Sept. 9 with a reception, from noon to 2 p.m. Light refreshments will be available and live music will be provided by guitarist Joe Gattuso.



■The Pembroke & Allenstown Old Home Day Parade float winners are Allenstown Historical Society and Meet Me In Suncook (best overall); Turning Pointe Center of Dance (best theme); Associated Grocers of NE (most creative); Suncook Youth Soccer (most original). The Marshall’s Choice antique car winners: Victor Fleury, 1957 Chevy Bel Air; Lisa Spring, 1948 Pontiac Silver Streak; Doug Ricard, 1932 Chevy 2-door coach; Mac & Melinda Johnson, 1938 John Deere L; Pembroke Fire Truck, Forestry Tanker #1; Ben Beauchesne, 1952 Willy;Steve & Jeanne Keith, 1943 GMC; Chuck Scheys, 1967 Pontiac GTO.

■If you have ticket #12217772 or 12217774 from the Pembroke & Allenstown Old Home Day raffle, please call Jocelyn 603-491-9976.

■Professional Genealogist Erin E. Moulton will present a program on “History and Mystery: a Genealogy Starter Guide” on Sept. 7, at the Pembroke Town Library at 7 p.m. Sponsored by the Pembroke Historical Society and the Pembroke Town Library, this event is free and open to the public. For more information, call 603-566-1031.



■The Diaper and Wipes Pantry will be open on Sept. 5 from 9 to 11 a.m., at the First Congregational Church of Pittsfield. Each family receives one set of diapers/product per child in need, and one package of wipes per family. Please call 603-435-7471 with any questions.

■The Pittsfield Players, “Curtain Up: An Evening of Music” rehearsals are underway! Tickets are available now on This is a one-night-only event on Sept. 9 at 8 p.m., right at the Scenic Theater.

■The Pittsfield Historical Society Museum will be open on Sept. 10 from 1 to 4 p.m.

■Support The PMHS Varsity Girls Soccer team and order your fall mums today! Nine-inch pots are $12 and all proceeds go to the team. Contact your favorite Girls Soccer player directly or find them on Facebook at PMHS Girls Soccer. Orders are due by Sept. 12.




■Historian Rebecca Courser will present Davisville Boarding Houses & Tourism on Sept. 9, at 7 p.m. at Warner Town Hall. Then, on Sept. 10, from 1 to 3 p.m., take the Davisville Mill Site Walking Tour, which is a joint program of the Warner and Hopkinton Historical Societies. Both free and open to the public. For more information, visit

■There are two great book group options in Warner with meetings coming soon. MainStreet Bookends BookGroup meets Sept. 3 at 4 p.m. to discuss “March” by Geraldine Brooks. Participants receive a 20% discount at the bookstore. Pillsbury Free Library Book Club meets monthly, as well. Join them on Sept. 13 at 1:30 p.m. to discuss “Book Lovers” by Emily Henry. Copies are available at the Library.

■All are welcome to join the Warner Democrats for their second annual ice cream social with special guest Cinde Warmington, on Sept. 9 from 12:30 to 2 p.m. at the Blue Moon Berry Farm, 195 Waldron Hill Road.



■There is a new log on for NH Overdrive. From now on, use your Webster Free Public Library card number (without the 44730 prefix) and use your phone number (without the area code) as your pin. Are you having problems logging on? Call the library director for assistance.

■On Sept. 8 at 1 p.m., the Society for the Preservation of the Old Meeting House will present Sheryl Fayes’ live historical performance, Celebrate the First Lady of the World, Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt!

■The Webster Conservation Commission and the Webster Free Public Library will present “Tick Talk” on Sept. 23 from 10 to 11 a.m. at the Webster Town Hall. Kathie Fife will discuss the ecology of Lyme disease and will share her knowledge and experience as a patient and natural resource specialist.

